Get Informed About Allergies

29/05/2012 19:38

Allergy Overview

There are allergy symptoms that a person is experiencing allergies and these include wheezing, coughing, rashes, itchy eyes, and runny nose. There are various ways a person may be exposed to the allergen and the allergic reaction is dependent on it.

For example, if you eat food you are allergic to, you may experience vomiting; or if you apply lotion-containing chemicals you are allergic to, skin rashes may develop; or you may have difficulty in breathing if you inhale pollen accidentally. Some allergies are inherited. Boys are more prone to inherit allergy than girls. The same is true to babies who have low birth weight. The intensity of the reaction varies from mild to severe.

There are cases that are life threatening. Anaphylactic reaction is also known as anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis needs immediate medical intervention.

Mold Allergies

If you were to count the types of molds and yeast in the fungus family, it will reach up to thousands.

To form clusters, yeasts divide and multiply because they are single cells. Molds are composed of many cells and they grow as branching threads called hyphae. Only a specific number of mold types are recognized widely to cause mold allergies, although it could be possible that both can probably cause allergic reactions. The fungi’s spores its seeds are used for its reproduction. One way to differentiate spores is with its size, shape and color, among other mold.

Millions of spores can be produced in every mold growth with the help of each germinating spore. If you are ingesting certain foods that are processed by fungi such as cheese, you will have a greater risk of having mold allergy symptoms. Occasionally, you should avoid eating mushrooms or dried fruits as well as yeast containing foods like soy sauce and vinegar for they produce allergy symptoms.

Latex Allergy

Healthcare workers have avoided being infected with diseases by the use of latex gloves. A few number of workers, particularly healthcare workers, have experienced allergic reactions to latex. It is believed that latex exposure is a relevant link in these instances. "Latex" is associated with the natural rubber product taken from the Hevea brasiliensis tree.

Sometimes the term "latex" is used for some synthetic rubber. Nevertheless, it should be noted that allergic reactions do not occur with these. The proteins responsible for the allergic reactions to latex are absent in synthetic latex. Latex from natural rubber is composed of proteins, which are responsible for the allergic responses. The amount of latex exposure to gain an allergic response is still obscure. Latex protein exposure directly correlates with the risk of developing sensitivity. This means that an increase in exposure equals an increase in risk.

Latex Allergy Overview

Hypersensitivity to latex happens when a person is exposed to products that have latex. Gloves, condoms, and other medical equipment made of latex are offending products to people with latex allergy. Symptoms of latex hypersensitivity are the following: eye tearing and irritation, cough, wheezing, shortness of breath, and itchiness of the skin or nose. Mild reactions of latex allergy are just skin rashes. The most severe allergic reaction a person with latex allergy may experience is anaphylaxis. It can cause difficulty of breathing, development of hives, and gastrointestinal problems.

Part of treatment for latex allergy is removal of the latex product. In order to treat allergic reactions, antihistamines and a shot of epinephrine may be given. You must do 2 things when you are diagnosed with latex allergy. First, always wear a MedicAlert bracelet and bring an emergency epinephrine kit with you all the time.

If you are diagnosed with latex allergy, you should not use products with latex content.

Drug Allergy Explained

Before taking some drugs, a person should take note of the evil effects they make give. The possible side effects of drugs are quite difficult to speculate. Therefore, one must be really careful in taking drugs although the instructions provided are clearly stated. When a person is attacked by an allergy, the possibility of experiencing severe consequences is rare. However, there are still many cases where people suffer from multiple symptoms such as swellings, trouble breathing, itching, rash and hives. These conditions give them miserable life.

According to some patients, there are some commonly used medications that are allergenic than others. Anti-inflammatory drugs, penicillin, antibiotics in general, and aspirin are considered drugs that give side effects. The symptoms of an allergic response are achieved because of the involvement of IgE. However, the intake of anti-inflammatory drugs along with penicillin may give similar symptoms. Vancomycin, intravenous x-ray dyes, paclitaxel, morphine and ACE inhibitors are examples of drugs that make a person manifest the same symptoms like that of an allergic response.


The author publishes assessments, feedback, and informative contents about allergy. Do you wish to find out regarding allergy symptoms? Get answers straight from the writer who actually encountered various allergies since childhood.