Be Aware of Allergies

29/05/2012 15:53

Vaccine Allergy

The body can respond adversely to the vaccine, which can lead to anaphylaxis. There is a one in a million chance for an allergic reaction due to vaccination to develop. Before deciding between getting vaccinated or not, take note of the dangers of skipping a vaccination. Mumps and measles are more common among children that is the why most schools require their students to get vaccinated. Parents may also play their role by ensuring the protection of their children from these life-threatening conditions.

Did you know that vaccines contain allergens that may possibly trigger symptoms of hypersensitivity? Two probable allergens include egg protein and gelatin. Egg protein is an ingredient in flu and yellow vaccine. On the other hand, gelatin is an ingredient in MMR, Japanese encephalitis, and varicella vaccines. Due to the fact that thimerosal causes allergic reactions to numerous patients, it has been excluded in the ingredient list of licensed vaccine in the US.

Symptoms of Milk Allergy

If you have milk allergy, you should completely avoid any product that contains milk and its constituents to prevent undesirable reactions such as vomiting, hives, and wheezing. Due to the fact various products contain trace amounts of milk, avoiding these food types may not be easy. Food allergies are sometimes mistaken as food intolerance. Those who are suffering from milk intolerance may experience the following symptoms: abdominal cramps, flatulence, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. At all times, check the label of the ingredients before you use a product.

Before buying a particular item, read the labels carefully. Sometimes, a trigger food may be created when manufacturers alter the ingredients of a certain food item.

Cockroach Allergy Facts

Cockroaches are among the most common carriers of allergen inside the house. These little critters usually thrive in dark, dirty places such as city sewers. Dusts under the bed or dark cabinets may have traces of cockroach waste and saliva in them.

Asthma is a symptom of cockroach allergy. If you are constantly experiencing this symptom, research would agree that cockroaches are present in your home. Even in older residences and clean areas, these pests are common. They are found in all locations. Saliva, feces and even bodies of cockroaches have allergenic proteins. Coming in contact with them can already trigger allergic reactions.

Poison Ivy Allergy Explained

Urushiol causes the itchiness brought about by contact with poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. An allergic reaction brought about by contact with urushiol is presented as an itchy rash. This may be seen within a few hours up to a few days after exposure. Objects and pets lying about at home may carry some urushiol on the surface.

Death of a poison plant does not eliminate urushiol in its leaves, stems, or roots. A very rapid skin absorption occurs with urushiol contact. Burning of poison ivy or other poison plants release urushiol into the air. This may then be inhaled by a person. Smoke from a burning poison plant contains airborne urushiol. When inhaled, it produces irritation to the respiratory tract. Poison plants can grow in most parts of the US.

The existence of poison ivy can be categorized into two. It can occur as vines or as shrubs. Areas on the north and west typically have poison ivy shrubs. In other places, poison ivy grows as vines. When identifying a poison plant, remember its characteristic three leaflet pattern. Seven to thirteen paired leaves on a stem of a woody shrub characterizes poison sumac. A green and drooping cluster of berries differentiates poison sumac from harmless sumac. Red, upright berry clusters generally grow on harmless sumac. Poison sumac prefers to inhabit wet and swampy habitats.

Pollen Allergy

During fall, summer, and spring, plants actively release small, powdery substances called pollen. Pollen grains are easily spread by the wind. Wind-carried pollen grains are not always transferred to other plants. Some of these grains can be accidentally inhaled and cause pollen allergy, which is a kind of seasonal allergic rhinitis. For other people, they are more familiar with the term, hay fever.

Pollen allergy belongs to the list of popular allergies in the world. For many allergic people, it is not a problem living a life without eating specific foods, taking certain medicines, or having pets. Household insects and dusts can be avoided. However, avoiding airborne pollen can be challenging even if the windows and doors are always closed.



The editor publishes evaluations, critiques, & informative articles on the subject of hypersensitivity. Do you want to learn more about allergy symptoms? Get the answers directly from this author who actually encountered numerous allergies since childhood years.